“You must make the best decision you can…The last player left standing at the end of the final round of betting takes the pot.”

Poker and orchestral auditions…really?? We’re talking about gambling vs spending months in the practice room, preparing diligently for one of the toughest job “interviews” ever. I never expected to find so many parallels between these two seemingly unrelated subjects. Psychologist turned pro poker player Maria Konnikova shares some deep insights in her bestseller The Biggest Bluff.

Continue reading “What Do Poker and Orchestral Auditions Have In Common?”

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Why do people post videos of their works ‘in progress’ and not wait until they’re ready for performance?”

This is an excellent question and an important topic that musicians are discussing more frequently on social media. Here are a few reasons why I share my own works in progress and how it benefits the musical and personal growth for both myself and my musical community.

Continue reading “The Benefits of Practicing ‘In Public’”

What a whirlwind of a year this has been!  I always wanted to start a blog but never expected to be writing my first post during the last week of 2020.  It’s certainly felt like a “trial” year of sorts (a most historic one!) and of course the global situation can’t magically resolve at midnight on January 1st. My heart goes out to those who lost somebody in their lives to the pandemic and my gratitude goes to frontline workers – doctors, nurses, scientists, teachers, the guy at the bodega around the corner, and many, many others.

With everything going on around us, many of us musicians (and other artists) might be feeling like we are sitting on the sidelines during this time – like we aren’t very helpful to the situation.  Sometimes I also go through periods when I feel useless and that I can’t help anybody.  The truth is, what we do is more important than we can imagine.  We help more people than we know – and most people probably don’t realize just how big of an impact music is to them (at least not on a conscious level).  Music is a universal language that brings people life, unity, and helps to heal. 

Whatever role music has in your life, I hope that going into the New Year, we can take the lessons and experiences from this past year, regroup, and help 2021 be a better year through hope, hard work, resilience, and love. 

 What are your biggest takeaways from 2020 and what are some of your plans going forward?